Artboard 1


Artboard 1


Many, if not all of Polar’s products are designed to be bright, vibrant, and eye-catching. This seems appropriate when you are trying to lure thousands of prospective consumers to pick up a bottle of beverages as the browse the soda aisle. However, Polar’s reputation is built upon 135 years of business that deserves honor and gravity. This is why I propose making the companies main site feel traditional, elegant and distinguished by using a color palette that incorporates the colors of the primary logo to create that feeling. All of the people should be left to the product sub-pages, where the personalities of each product are allowed to shine.





The mood board that I constructed for the website is pretty self-explanatory. I included some geometric elements that I’d like to see applied (bottom center), typographical elements, product personality profiles, and corporate identity graphics as the basis of the design. The large clip of the Derby Tea website is used as inspiration for the overall layout. I appreciate that the Derby Tea page is organized with a heavy emphasis on visuals since I believe that most brands should be trying to incite the consumer’s senses.

Just for comparison, this is Polar’s current corporate website:


The page hasn’t been updated since 2013 and I think that shows. The color scheme is bland, the geometric elements feel clunky, and the typography isn’t uniform. I think it is more than appropriate to move their online presence to a responsive design that displays the company’s history and accomplishments while also drawing the viewer in with interactive elements that allow the consumer to feel like they are apart of the brand. More of this will be discussed as a part of the sitemap assignment.

Social Web


Social WebI chose two websites to compare that both serve as community calendars in their respective areas. These types of sites are an important part of creating community involvement and the promotion of small events and organization that don’t have the resources for traditional advertising. The example of a poorly designed site is Worcester’s Social Web and on the other end of the spectrum, Boston’s The Boston Calendar. First off, Social Web looks like it was initially designed back in the late 90’s and hasn’t seen an upgrade since then. It’s not intuitive, it’s clunky, includes irrelevant information like birthdays, and doesn’t give you much information at first glance. Actually, it’s just plain ugly – there was zero thought put into the color scheme and that adds to its dated look. It requires to user to click on each event link in order to get even the most basic details if the user doesn’t include them themselves within the title’s link. Lastly, Social Web requires an account in order for it to be used and to communicate with others.


The Boston Calendar, on the other hand, offers a clean list that offers uniform details such as the name of the event, when it takes place and where it is taking place. They also offer a customized list of tags and filters so that visitors can direct themselves to events that meet their specific interests. They even include a google map in their side bar to pin point the proximity in which the events are taking place. Each link opens up to a detailed description that shows that a lot of effort has been put into each entry. Alos, the color scheme is clean, uncomplicated and inviting. If I had an option as to which page design I’d like to see implemented in a uniform way across similar types of sites, it would have to The Boston Calendar.

Social Media Monitoring Project, Part 2


Polar Beverages is a highly successful company that excels in the increasingly health-conscious beverage market. Seltzer is here for the longhaul and Polar has been doing it longer than most which gives them an advantage. However, are they using it?

There is a reason why Polar is jokingly referred to as a cult or obsession; there are reasons why Polar has ‘Super Fans’. Despite this ‘hardcore’ following, there is still plenty of room for Polar to expand upon its social media presence and the ways in which it decides to engage with its customer base.


Polar runs some very successful campaigns that revolve around the release of small limited edition batches a couple of times a year and the more widely available season flavors that are released in the summer and winter. These campaigns produce visible spikes on the graph data, are well received, and create a buzz.

Data Comparison

Followers Update

All of the Polar seltzer (including the Seltzer’ade) pages across all platforms had a steady increase of about 200-400 followers over the past month. Other increases in followers were seen in the Polar Family brand pages on twitter and Instagram. Polar Dry, Polar Classics, and Polar Frost sat stagnant and had approximately +/- 5 followers.


I opted to look at the 7-day graphs for comparisons because larger stretches of time did not provide an adequate distinction.

So, we remember this graph:

And this is our recent seven day graph:

While the averages between the Seltzer search and the Polar Beverage search are still about the same, we see that the recent graph shows a much more active interest in both the brand and the drink category. This (again) is most likely indicative of the popularity of the new Seltzer’ade line of products. We also see that the lines mimic each other, again leading me to the conclusion that people are looking for the same items when searching for the product or the company.

Social Mention

When we look at the comparisons of the most popular day a month ago and the current snapshot,  there are some stark contrasts:

Polar Beverages

A month ago, the strength of the Polar Beverage search term was much higher that it is today. Positive sentiment has gone down slightly, and its reach declined drastically.

Polar Seltzer

However, when looking at Polar Seltzer, we see a current increase across strength, sentiment, passion and reach. Again, I believe that this drastic increase in interest is in direct correlation with the Seltzer’ade launch.

Target Market

Polar has the key benefit of not speaking directly to a niche community of beverage connoisseurs. There is a seltzer drinker in everyone, from kids to adults. In a market where traditionally surgery sodas are being demonized as being a threat to one’s health, seltzer provides crisp carbonation and flavor without the sugar or sodium and with all the benefits of water.


If Polar was to narrow their focus, the health-conscious among us would be the target. Traditionally, the highest populations of “health conscious” folks are found in urban and metropolitan areas and often do not mind spending a little bit more on a product that they deem “worth it”. Another key area would be the next generations of Polar Super fans – children. Who better than kids to learn early that seltzer is the supreme nectar of choice?




  • Polar is already working with a solid reputation which has been established almost 135 years ago.
  • Polar knows how to energize its consumers through limited editions products and plays up its “cult-like” status to create interest.



  • There are too many divides across the companies product categories.
  • Polar’s public communications across social media outlets is seriously suffering.



  • Due to what I would consider Polar’s two largest weaknesses, there is still plenty of room to unite the brand under the company name since the company itself is still extremely relevant in terms online search interest.
  • Taking the time to engage further and harvest data from these communications may improve consumer/company relations and give Polar a new direction based on the suggestions made to them in regards to all of their product categories.



  • If Polar does not start taking it’s social media presence more seriously, it will be come easier for fans to move on to another company that is more willing to communicate with them on a personal level.
  • If this lack of communication continues, Polar makes itself vulnerable to more serious consumer complaints when the company refuses to respond publicly.


Goals & Suggestions

I believe that the process to bring Polar’s Social Media presence up to speed will be a serious time investment as well as a long term commitment. Here are three easy starter ideas to get this ball rolling:

(1) The phrase “divide and conquer” is not relevant when it comes to your brand portfolio.

Polar needs to consolidate. Despite the fact that most of the social media attention goes to the seltzer line there are other categories in the brand that don’t do as well because they are not getting the same amount of effort or attention.

Maybe, just maybe – if a comparable amount of attention was paid to the other sub-categories online, you could successfully unite the entire brand. I think it is time to allow the other beverage categories to piggyback off of seltzers successes. Consistency is key.

(2) Everyone needs to be able to hear you.

This project showed that Polar has a serious problem when it comes to communicating with consumers and fans on a public forum. There is a lot of friendly back and forth on Twitter and the time is taken to ‘like’ things that they are tagged in on Instagram. However, when consumers go to Facebook to ask a question or express displeasure, there is no sign that Polar reaches out to these customers.

I can not rule out that Polar isn’t contacting these people directly in a private setting, but I think that it is important for the groundswell to see for itself that Polar takes that initiative first in a public forum rather than to find this out when they themselves experience a problem.

Also, all platforms need to engage with somewhat equally. You can’t spend all the resources engaging on Twitter when the real issues are coming to light on Facebook.

(3) Engagement

As a consumer of Polar’s bubbly decadence, I completely understand the allure of their carbonated treasures. It is clear from the way people try to engage with the company that they are always looking for new ways to be noticed and recognized by the company online, while at the same time, are still just happy enough to feel like they own it.

Polar should try to find new ways to engage the groundswell online through means such as blogs, online contests, polls, and the collection, review, and sharing of flavor/packaging suggestions. At this same time, they could use these opportunities to expose consumers and fans to other products in the company portfolio.

POST Analysis/Suggestions


Polar need to become fully conscious of the ways in which people opt to communicate with them on each social platform. By doing so, Polar will be able to better anticipate the needs of their consumer base as it continues to grow.


Polar should have an established list of objectives when it comes to social media. Do they want consumers to direct their grievances online? Do they just want to try to generate more revenue through basic advertising? Should social media be used to promote more of the corporate social responsibility campaigns that often go over looked in the social stratosphere? Each platform should have a concise goal that it is striving towards.


When the objectives are laid out, decisions will need to be made as to how this new engagement will be treated. This would be a prime opportunity to collect data and be able to listen to and talk with stakeholders. In doing so, there should be a person or team whose sole focus is on implementing these strategies in order to see that the objective s are being accomplished.


I feel that when it comes to the three major networks (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) – it has to be an all or nothing thing. Your company HAS to have a Facebook page if each product category has one (assuming you decide to keep these pages divided).

Don’t jump into things like Pinterest unless objectives are starting to be met in other areas and the groundswell indicate to you that there is a space for you there. That goes for any and every other social media platform that has or will come out in the future.

If there is room to have another comment added, I believe that a blog would best serve Polars interests at this time. It would allow an outlet for the company to establish its missions and goals (in more that 140 characters), allow stakeholders to converse with each other through message boards and share information that other stakeholders may find interesting.


As soon as Polar starts spending more time listening and talking with the groundswell, they will find that the areas in which they already excel
(such as energizing) will ultimately become more lucrative in a much wider capacity.

The data shows that there is interest in Polar within areas of the country that it isn’t even available in yet. Investing in the internet with the opportunity of reaching these consumers earlier, will allow a stronger presence and excitement around the brand if and when they do enter these territories.

To conclude, investing the time and strategy in the groundswell will push Polar into a new area of communication and create a greater bond with their loyal consumers. If consumers could actually become more loyal to a brand than they already are, Polar wouldn’t know what to do with the attention that it would provide them. I think it is time to take this next step and invest in the future of this company and in the established technologies which will not only support them, but the groundswell as well.

Groundswell in the Twittersphere

When you find yourself scrolling through your Twitter feed, what types of things make you stop to read them? If your feed is anything like mine, you most likely follow too many people and organizations to be able to touch on every single post. Even less, if like me, you only look at it every few days…or weeks…or months. Honestly, I’ve never been too keen on Twitter but understand certain aspects of its usefulness. Here is a live look at what my feed looks like right now:

Yeah…boring. However, not so boring in the eyes of Li & Bernoff. They state in the book that Twitter was able to catch on quickly because it is simple. They state that “signing up is trivial. Posting an update is a piece of cake” (pg 197). They also go on to state that it interfaces with cellphones and allows for on-the-go updating (pg 197). That is great and all, but can you tell me of any other social media applications that could also fit that description? If you guessed “most of them”, congratulations – you are correct.
There were so many topics that could be touched upon out of chapters 9-12, but I keep coming back to this curious interest in Twitter specifically. Why not Facebook? Does Facebook not harness the same types of principles? Is it not as effective, if not more so? Why would these 140 character snippets draw attention from the authors? The authors list the elements that they believe make Twitter an important and influential tool. They are: Followers, Hashtags and Searches, Mentions and Retweets, Links, Lists, & Apps and Tools (pg 197-199). Can you name one particular tool from this list that is not available on nearly any other popular social media platform today? Yeah, me either.

So I finally grabbed the book to look at the dates and see that the Second edition was published in 2011 and the first was published 2008. Alright, makes sense…at these times, Twitter was the only platform that implemented many of these communication methods. But today, you can see that both Facebook and Instagram also implement these methods as well. If things like hashtags were so unique, but are now commonplace – where exactly does this leave your 140 character statement?
Well, if you are Davey Alba – writer for – 2017 is going to be the year that Twitter shapes up or ships out. Alba writes that “tweaks [made to the Twitter application] have had virtually no effect on Twitter’s bigger problem: making itself a mainstream social network able to appeal to a wider public, much less one that’s grown to have the same kind of stature and influence as Facebook” (Alba). So even today, people recognize that Twitter is a niche – but it is a niche with influence.  Li & Bernoff point out that only about 7% of the population actively use Twitter but of that 7%, most users at three times as likely to be a creator. (pg199-200).  Has that changed since 2011? Would a platform such as Instagram, that allows almost anybody to become a creator (in a sense) not fare better than Twitter in this area? I’m not sure, but assuming that it hasn’t changed we can begin to understand how Twitters sphere of influence quickly outpaces platforms such as Facebook.
I still think that it would have been useful to take a few extra chapters to break down other platforms as thoroughly as they did for Twitter, but it really did leave me with a better understanding of how stacked the technographics are in favor of the creators in this instance. Personally, I think this has really made me re-evaluate its usefulness. I’ve always taken a passive interest in the sense that, I can understand that Twitter is important on some level, but still unsure if it is important to ME.
I think that the authors do a good job of really explaining why Twitter is special and how we can all apply the fundamentals of the groundswell to this application. I’ll be really interested in how their perspective has (or has not) changed in an inevitable third edition of this text someday in the future.

Social Media Monitoring Project; Part One


When you think of Polar Beverages, you most likely think local. They have been a mainstay on Southbridge Street for decades – longer than any of us have been alive. What you might not know is that Polar Beverages is the country’s largest independent soft-drink bottler and a fourth-generation, family-owned business that traces its roots back to 1882.

In addition to the main production plant in Worcester, Polar owns Adirondack Beverages in Scotia, NY and Polar South, a bottling facility in Fitzgerald, GA. Within the last 6 months, Polar began contracting out to Pepsi Bottling in Olympia, WA to start making and distributing along the west coast. As of today, Polar is distributed in 35 states in the country and works with nearly 90 distributors in the United States alone.

You don’t see commercials for Polar during television events – it’s marketing is largely based upon word-of-mouth recommendations that have slowly created demands in other regions as people moved out of New England and into other states. For example, Polar has a consistently high demand in Florida due to the number of people from New England that want to retire to warmer weather. With such a vast, stable, and growing reach across the country it is important to implement the available social media tools in order to extend that reach, create excitement and harness the groundswell.

However, is Polar still embracing a ‘local’ mindset when they should be acting like a national brand? Do their social media practices prevent them from being able to perform at a higher level?


This local purveyor of all things bubbly boasts a wide portfolio of products – at times, perhaps too wide.

Polar Beverages divides their online presence by subcategories: Polar Beverages (main company), Polar Seltzer, Polar Dry, Polar Frost, Polar Classics & the brand new line of Seltzer’ade. For each individual subcategory, an entirely new Website URL and social media handle is created, therefore dividing the company’s portfolio and creating unneeded distance between each subcategory.

Polar Beverages is currently represented on the three major Social Media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Polar does not self-publish any blogs or additional content.The presence of each and number of followers is listed in the table below.

Number of Total Followers as of 2/28/17
As it can be seen in the table, there are a number of inconsistencies in the representation across platforms. At this time, only two of their subcategories are represented on all three major social media sites.
Of these sub-brands, I’d like to focus on the Seltzer category for this project. Firstly, they have the most followers on Facebook of any of the sub-brands across all platforms. From a sales perspective, the seltzers are the most popular line that Polar carries. We run into trouble though when we look at their activity as we can see that they do little to nothing to interact with their core followers.
This particular post was the most popular in recent history. It received 1.5k “likes” 480 comments and 527 “shares”. However, if you filter through this thread of comments on their timeline, you’ll see that Polar has not responded to any of the consumer inquiries. This is not unique to this post or thread, but a trend that can be seen across the entire profile – they just aren’t publically communicating with their stakeholders. While many users are able to help each other to answer their questions, this is no replacement for communicating openly with the public.
We find a completely opposite situation on Twitter which has only a small fraction of followers compared to Facebook. Polar can be seen responding quite consistently on this platform.
 In regards to their activity on Instagram, they are very apt to “like” a post that they are tagged in, but again, fail to address specific inquiries. What I feel works in Polar’s favor is that the stakeholders that do reach out to them are enthusiastic about the products and want to either praise them or inquire about them. Though, in looking into the ‘Visitor Posts’ on their Facebook page, (again, the page with the most followers of any maintained by the company) Polar has not responded to a customer question, comment or complaint on Facebook in months. In fact, I couldn’t find a single post in the last 3.5 months that they responded to. There is of course, the chance that they reply to each person privately but I can’t prove that. In the age of groundswell, I feel it is important to demonstrate your involvement with the pubic, publicly.


Google Trends


These trends were viewed in comparison with the two main Polar Brands over a 12 month period and then again over a seven day period.
It is worth mentioning that the two highest peaks on the graph above are around late March when Polar introduced the wildly popular Unicorn Kisses mystery seltzer and again in December when the mystery Selterbrate flavor was introduced.
These significant peaks are mimicked on the graph above that show the subtleties between online searches and mentions of Polar Seltzer vs. Polar Beverages. However, it is visible across the board that the Polar brand ranks slightly higher overall than seltzer alone, meaning that when people are looking for the seltzer products online, they are often searching by the company name rather than the specific product. Because the peaks still rise in the same spots, we can tell that these searches were related to the same products around the time of their launch.
When looking at the seven-day graph, and take into consideration that the new Seltzer’ade line was just released, the Seltzer search term is currently faring better than the overall brand, but not by much.
When these results are compared based on their geographical reach and related search queries, we get some interesting information. The Polar Brand has a much larger geographical reach than the Seltzer alone. However, all the related queries for the Polar Brand are related to the seltzer. When looked at by itself, the seltzers geographical reach is much smaller and related queries point to one specific product that hasn’t been produced in close to a year. From this, I feel that it is safe to infer that most company-level queries are in fact performed in response to the seltzer line.


MeltWater IceRocket
The information that I received from MeltWater IceRocket was able to back up the results from Google Trends. The Polar Brand is consistently more recognized online that the Seltzer line alone. As you can see on the graph below, increased citations of the Polar Brand spike more frequently and consistently over a three month period than the seltzers do.


Last Three Months:
The overall reach is still VERY low when you compare it against another seltzer company like La Croix.

Social Mention

All screen captures from Social Mention were collected on February 22nd, 26th, & 28th.

Polar Beverages:

Overall, we see very consistent percentages in the Strength, Passion, and Reach categories as well as a stable ratio of Sentiment at the Polar Brand level. We do notice a jump on the most recent screen capture which I would assume has to do with increased online visibility of the Seltzer’ade brand.

Polar Seltzer:

Again, we see very consistent percentages in the Strength, Passion, and Reach categories as well as a stronger ratio of Sentiment at the Seltzer level on the most recent pull. Similarly, we do notice a jump on the most recent screen capture which I would assume has to do with the recent online visibility of the Seltzer’ade brand.


Technographic Profiles and Engagement

Polar seems to do well in engaging creative individuals with a lot of passion for their products and are able to attract a large number of creators to their social media outlets.

Critics are another section that Polar needs to pay more attention to. The people who they are not responding to online will be the same people that go out and post less than stellar reviews.

Future marketing engagement should involve much more listening and talking, making both creators and critics two of the audiences that should be targeted in order to create a more well-rounded effort to engage the entire groundswell. This would enhance the numbers of joiners and spectators who may be inclined to get more involved at a higher level in the future.



Concluding Thoughts

  • Polar is consistently inconsistent. So what do you do when you’ve put yourself in a place where your portfolios are fragmented and you can’t consistently answer to the groundswell?


  • There is an extreme disconnect between the Polar Brand and Polar Seltzer. People consistently look to the Brand to find the seltzer rather than just looking to the Seltzer products alone. They are hurting the chances of engagement with the ENTIRE portfolio by suggesting that people should engage with each specific subcategory.


  • In my opinion, it would seem that by fragmenting the products so drastically, Polar has not seriously considered or thought out the ways in which they can access the groundswell. By not engaging with the bulk of their followers, they are completely bypassing the listening and the talking phases.


  • They have no problem energizing the groundswell – they threw the ‘ade suffix on the word ‘seltzer’ and repackaged pre-existing flavors as new products. They are keenly aware of what creates a buzz.


  • Local Brand or National Brand? Polar needs to figure out how to make the transition.

Creating the Buzz

I don’t think that I’m alone in saying that I love free things. We can all identify with the feeling that comes with getting something without tapping into our wallets. But what if you could get things for “free” that would only cost you a few minutes out of your day?

You might remember that our book mentioned a particular website called BzzAgent, which relies on the groundswell in order to create marketing momentum through social media and personal blogs. BzzAgent sends you a product kit, you answer some survey questions about the brand prior to and after you get the product, and with a few suggested hashtags, you post to your social media accounts promoting the item(s) that you have received. Easy enough right?

When a friend told me about this site a few years ago, I blew it off. Nothing in life is free. That holds true here, but in this case the only currency they expect of you time, a bit of effort and an honest opinion. As I previously stated…I’m a sucker for free things…so I signed up.

Fast forward to this past week when after a year-long hiatus, I got a little nudge from BzzAgent asking if I wanted to try a new toothpaste. Since the timing of the invitation was coincidental I decided to reserve my spot in the campaign.

So, how does BzzAgent model their consumer involvement? according to the other diagram below, the concentrate on four key areas:             Targeting & Engaging, Stimulating, Generating, and Reaching & Influencing. Sound familiar? It’s basically the key groundswell strategies that we have all become familiar with.

So, what comes next? You’ve just gotten your brand new tube of toothpaste or bag of coffee. How do you call upon the powers bestowed upon you by the groundswell? Buzz about it. Tell the world.

Everytime you complete a post on social media, you increase your own personal Bzzscore – the number that increases the likelihood that you’ll be called on for more campaigns. I have a bad habit of getting bored with these things. As you can see, I’m was pretty surprised that they recently tried to draw me back into this.
The important thing to reflect on is that the groundswell exists for us to participate in it whether we realize we are or not. You don’t need a fancy number to determine your ability or a free tube of toothpaste to participate. BzzAgent is one example of how you can be rewarded for taking an active roll in the promotion of products, but you’ve probably been doing it for a long time without compensation. Like, literally any time you’ve posted a picture of your dinner at a restaurant, you’ve been playing the type of game that BzzAgent has created a business around.
There is no reason to wait for an invitation – go out and claim a piece of the groundswell for yourself.

Putting it all Together

What do you think of when you consider different methods of energizing the groundswell? While you are trying to construct massive online PR campaigns in your head, maybe we could start a little bit smaller than that. According to the text, word of mouth marketing relies on its ability to be believable, be self-reinforcing, and self-spreading (p130). So as an example, what do you do when you have a great cup of coffee? You might tell someone, right? You might invite a friend out to this new coffee shop, and next time they invite one of their friends to the same place. This goes on and on for a while until one day when you are desperate for a decent cup of coffee and find yourself short on time. You round the corner to your favorite shop and the line is out the door and you have to go someplace else. As the saying goes, word of mouth travels fast.

So, how do you do this exactly?

Today, people can take their word-of-mouth marketing online. You probably won’t have to wait to take your friend to the new coffee shop for them to find out about it. You can probably broadcast it out on Facebook or Twitter and accomplish the same thing, but reach hundreds of people instead. If you take a peek at the Instagram post below, you can see the the user’s photo was ‘liked’ over 80 times. That is a lot of attention for just one cup of coffee.

Since we are talking about coffee, I’m going to tell you all about how much I love Brew on the Gridlocated on Franklin Street in Worcester. I despise Dunkin Donuts, and am always looking for a great cup of coffee with a bit of atmosphere. I don’t find myself downtown very often, but after having heard people buzzing online about this new coffee shop, I knew I had to try it.

Something like a new coffeeshop is a great thing to try to energize. Brand enthusiasts within the community have a simple motivation to spread the word – they NEED you to stay open so that they can continue to enjoy your product. Is it self-serving? Entirely, but that is okay. People inherently do things with themselves in mind because they want to be noticed. This form of online marketing allows the original poster to draw in the groundswell for any number of personal reasons, but ultimately it serves as an important tool for the business – it fosters an atmosphere in which businesses can hear what people are saying about them.

Today, it is assumed that if you have a service to provide, you will set up the necessary social media sites for your enthusiasts to congregate on. But what about the sites that you don’t sign up for voluntarily? Sites like Yelp prove to be helpful because it allows both the stakeholders and the business owners to communicate their views and learn from the experiences of others. However, which Yelp, you relinquish all control over what people out in the world are posting about your product. But why are they there? They’ve probably been energized and energizing your customer base gives you, the business owner, more opportunities to listen to the groundswell, to talk to the groundswell, and then energize these people again from the valuable information you have already gathered. This is a cyclical process that, if executed properly should yield results over time. Ultimately, if all of the cogs (businesses, products, & consumers) in this machine work fluidly, nearly everyone involved wins.

What I appreciate the most about this type of word-of-mouth marketing, is that it has held up against the test of time all the way from Oral traditions to Web 2.0. And while websites and reviews online may come and go, people will always desire the ways in which they can connect to each other in any way possible and when the internet isn’t there for you, a cup of coffee will be.